I have 12+ years as a neuro surgeon and performed more than 2500 neurosurgical procedures.
Spondylosis generally initiates from the intervertebral disc.
Back and neck pain are some of the most common aliments in our society and come from a variety of causes.
This test measures the movement of your eardrum in response to air pressure. It can determine if there is a buildup of fluid, wax buildup, eardrum perforations or tumors.
A spinal cord injury is damage to the spinal cord. It’s an extremely serious type of physical trauma that’s likely to have a lasting and significant impact on most aspects of daily life.
A stroke or brain attack, is caused by the sudden loss of blood flow to the brain or bleeding inside the head. Each can cause brain cells to stop functioning.
We are one of the best neuro sciences department in Hyderabad offering efficacious diagnosis and treatment with state of the art technology and highly specialized neuro consultatiion.
I have 12+ years as a neuro surgeon and performed more than 2500 neurosurgical procedures.